The show was scheduled to premiere at the Theatro Municipal São Paulo in May 2016 and at the Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro during the 2016 Olympic Games. Presentations of Alma Brasileira were also scheduled in other world capitals.
Heitor Villa-Lobos (1887-1959) was a Brazilian conductor and composer. He is considered the greatest representative of modernist music in Brazil because of his compositions that contain nuances of Brazilian regional cultures, with elements of popular and indigenous songs. This is because he was mainly responsible for the discovery of a specifically Brazilian language in music.
The musical direction of the show is signed by Maestro John Neschling.
This project was abandoned in the final phase of its production.
Stage directors : Emmanuel Carlier / Carlus Padrissa (La Fura desl Baus)
Video : Emmanuel Carlier
Alma brasileira from Emmanuel Carlier on Vimeo.