M.T.M, 1994

M.T.M, 1994


Armazem 22, Lisbon, Portugal, 1994
European Tour, 198 Shows

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MTM is an allegory about the manipulation of information carried out by major political,    economic and social forces through the mass media. MTM aspires to reproduce the news process, which is modified based on specific objectives. Here the truth appears  as the result of the thousand different ways of relating an event or transmitting an idea. In order to achieve this goal, the show creates a web of fake images, fictions that the audience confuses with reality.

The scenography is neutral, constructed from two mirror walls on the sides, a front wall  dedicated exclusively to projections and hundreds of cardboard boxes that allow the actors to construct and deconstruct a constantly transforming stage. We must emphasize the importance of images in MTM. The images that were pre-recorded, projected and recorded live through the course of the performance are interwoven and immerse the spectator in a huge lie. They are endowed with an expressive content which is almost like a plot. The images and their treatment compose MTM’s skeleton,  to the point where the acting constantly interacts with the video, the projections and the mirror play created by the set.

MTM stems from the great classic motif Magno Theatrum Mundi and the allegorical religious play El Gran Teatro del Mundo by Calderón in order to call into question the role of the individual in a society which is more and more linked to manipulation and lies. The world’s drama: subjective reality, objective morality. Life understood as a theatrical representation we enter at birth and leave when we die. A large theatre in which each character perceives things depending on the filters they use. MTM is able  to be manipulated in order to offer a thousand and one readings: Me Te Me, Mundo Teatral Muerto, Mañana T emprano Madrugaré, MiT oMano, Mary Tells Me, Miserable Teatro Mundial, Mein Traumm Mann, Mejor Todos Muertos…

MTM is the first step towards a new theatrical concept, tied to technology and   communication, that La Fura dels Baus named “digital theatre” and which even now continues to evolve and develop.


Stage Directors : La Fura dels Baus

Photo and video : Emmanuel Carlier with Mark Neale, Grant Lee, Jerry Chater.


(more credits) : https://lafura.com/obras/mtm/

MTM from Emmanuel Carlier on Vimeo.

MTM from Emmanuel Carlier on Vimeo.

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